Back in February of 2008, Big Bear residents answered the call to participate in a motion picture titled “Frozen Kiss,” which was filmed in and around Big Bear Valley, including Pine Knot Marina, Laurel Pines Camp, and, in the opening sequence, Thelma’s Restaurant in Big Bear City. The film, based on the true story of young adults going to a party and getting lost in freezing weather, stars Mimi Rogers, Jamie Martz and Cameron Goodman—and also includes locals as extras, among them Brett Gytri, Jesse Archuletta, Barbara Kuck, Matthew James Harris, Chris Hatch, Dustin Watson, Sammy Bazan, Nicole Celeste, Tim Morris, Heather Fipps, Jessie Hoyt, Heather Payne, Angie Young, Mandy Ensign, Lisa Vickery, Cathy Sitt, Kyle McNamara and Amber Shalmi in the independent production’s party scene. “Frozen Kiss,” released in 2009, is now available on pay-per-view through Charter Cable so, though some of the subject matter is said to be intense as it is rated R (for drug use and some violent images), you may want to check it out.