Big Bear, CA, May 10, 2016 – It’s springtime again and young wildlife are emerging from their dens and nests and beginning to learn the ways of the world. Because of this increase in wildlife activity, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife reminds people to leave young wildlife alone if they come across them in the wild. The improper handling of young wildlife is a problem in California and across the nation, especially in spring.
“Each species cares for and trains its young in unique ways,” said Nicole Carion, CDFW’s statewide coordinator for wildlife rehabilitation. “Some animals, such as deer, will leave their young for hours at a time while they forage for food. A small fawn stashed in the bushes by its mother may look vulnerable and defenseless, but it is likely healthy and well cared for and should not be disturbed.” Not disturbing young wildlife also means keeping your pets on a leash. If a fawn or other young animal is startled by a roaming dog, it may abandon its nest or den and lose its way.