San Bernardino County, CA, March 5, 2014 – Voter Information Guides have started appearing in mailboxes for the March 25th Special Primary Election for State Senate District 23. The District is shared by San Bernardino, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties, with the majority of voters residing in the Inland Empire.
Each Information Guide includes information on candidates, polling places and voting, as well as a Sample Ballot. Those on the permanent mail ballot list will also get mail ballots delivered. If you’re not on that list and want to vote by mail, fill out the Application found in the Voter Information Guide, or download an application from the Elections Office website.
Voted mail ballots may be returned via the U.S. Postal Service, in person to any polling place on Election Day, or to one of the nineteen mail ballot drop-off locations prior to, and on Election Day. To find a mail ballot drop-off location, voters can use the mail ballot drop-off map located on the Elections Office website.
Voters in this election are also able to vote early at the San Bernardino County Elections Office. For details, call (909) 387-8300. And tune in to 93.3 FM in the 5 o’clock hour today for Rick Herrick’s interview with Assemblyman Michael Morrell from Rancho Cucamonga, who’s running for the recently vacated seat of Bill Emerson.