Big Bear, Ca, January 6, 2011, 8:00am – Most people in Big Bear Lake know Shirley Martin from the Teddy Bear restaurant, but few know her passion for painting in Charcoal. She has been drawing and painting since she was a teenager and she was recently juried into the “The Gallery” of Big Bear Valley. She paints with Charcoal and creates wonderfully crafted images using only black and white medium. Shirley is a freehand sketch artist specializing in “Charcoal Landscapes”. Her love for pencil and charcoal art goes back to her high school days, and she loves the patience that it takes to work with charcoal. She now uses tinted charcoal which is being developed and now available in yellow, blue, tan and purple tints. She is experimenting with these in her newer works, and her work is on display at the Teddy Bear Restaurant. Shirley Martin has lived in Big Bear since 1977 and she has been successfully juried into “The Gallery” on Village Drive in Big Bear Lake as one of their our newest members.