Big Bear Valley, CA — Today’s snowstorm, and anticipated travel issues, have prompted some changes for today. Among those: The Big Bear Computer Club will not be meeting this evening at the Discovery Center. Those with questions on this evening’s canceled Computer Club meeting can call Yomar Cleary at 878-5622.
Students at both Big Bear Middle School and Big Bear High School will be on an early-out schedule today, due to the storm. BBMS students will be released 20 minutes early, at 1:35pm; BBHS students will be released at 2pm. At Big Bear High School, both varsity girls and boys basketball games have been moved up, to 2:15pm (girls) and 3:45pm (boys) this afternoon. Senior parent recognition will go as planned during the games, per BBHS Athletic Director Dave Griffiths—and no admission will be charged for these games at the high school in Sugarloaf. However, both JV games have been canceled, and will not be rescheduled. Today’s varsity soccer match, also against Yucca Valley, and at 3:15pm at Lucerne Valley High School remains unchanged.
Yoga class with Dr. Claudia Eads at the Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District offices has also been canceled.
The Big Bear Valley Trails Foundation will continue with their Pizza and Pizzazz fundraiser at Maggio’s Restaurant this evening. Per event organizer Phil Hamilton, “Trails people are tough and resilient, and we’re gonna do it.” The Pizza and Pizzazz fundraiser runs from 5 to 8pm this evening and, again, at Maggios in the Interlaken Center.