UPDATE San Bernardino County, CA, November 13, 2015 – In March, San Bernardino County Human Resources Director Andrew Lamberto, was cited and later pleaded guilty to agreeing to engage in prostitution. County CEO Greg Devereaux did not inform the Board of Supervisors about the incident until Oct. 21. Yesterday, the Board of Supervisors finalized the departure of Human Resources Director Lamberto from the county government organization.
Given the nature by which the incident was brought to the Board’s attention, at the Board’s direction, County Chief Executive Officer Greg Devereaux is working with County Counsel to draft a policy by December 15 for the Board’s public consideration that would ensure the Board is immediately made aware of these types of incidents in the future.
“It is now time to move on and focus our energies on meeting the needs of our county community,” Board of Supervisors Chairman James Ramos said. He made it clear that the Board is elected to govern the County and takes its role seriously. The Board fully understands that it is accountable to the public for the County’s performance and for ensuring that problems are addressed appropriately and swiftly.
In exchange for a mutual release of all potential claims and to avoid the likelihood of costly litigation, the County has accepted Mr. Lamberto’s resignation and he will be on settlement-related leave until May 27, 2016, but he will not serve as Human Resources Director or in any other position in the County.
Chairman Ramos added, “It was not easy for the Board to agree to these terms following this incident. However, given the great potential for litigation in employment matters, which would cost taxpayers unknown financial liabilities, this was clearly the best option.”
You can read our original story below.
San Bernardino, CA, November 4, 2015 – Recently the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors was notified by County CEO, Greg Devereaux, that the County Director of Human Resources, Andrew Lamberto, had been arrested in Orange County in March of this year for prostitution engagement. Chairman Ramos and other supervisors expressed disappointment that this situation was hidden from sight by CEO Devereaux, given Mr. Lamberto’s position as County HR Director.
Today County Supervisors directed County CEO Devereaux and the County’s attorneys to draft a policy for the Board that would prevent a repeat of this incident in which the Board was unaware for several months that the County’s Director of Human Resources had been arrested for and pleaded guilty to agreeing to engage in prostitution.
“This morning the Board of Supervisors met with the CEO and had a very frank discussion about the importance of informing the Board of situations that can have a long-lasting effect on the well-being of the County and the people that we represent,” Chairman James Ramos said.
“I am very disappointed by the actions that were committed by the Human Resources director,” Chairman Ramos added “I can assure you that we are working together to bring some resolve to this situation so that we can continue to move forward.”
CEO Devereaux stated “I apologize to the Board, the County’s employees, and the people of the county for the way I handled this situation. I realize this placed the Board in a difficult position and will review with County Legal Counsel options regarding the Human Resources director.”