Big Bear Lake, CA – The Rotary Club of Big Bear Lake held its annual Four-Way Test Speech Contest last night. The contest, which is for high school age students, features speeches centered around the Rotary Club’s Four-Way Test that is a credo which Rotarians worldwide live by. Of the things we think, say or do, the Four-Way Test asks the questions: “Is it the truth?”; “Is it fair to all concerned?”; “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?”; and “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”. Contestants can select any topic which they feel is timely, interesting and important; however, the topic must be specifically subjected to the Four-Way Test. Of the nine participants in last night’s contest, the top three winners will receive cash prizes from the Rotary Club of Big Bear Lake and are invited to give their speeches at a Rotary meeting. Congratulations to the winners who include first place winner Jeannie Newsome, second place winner Sander Putz and third place winner Josh Borges. Miss Newsome will proceed on to the Rotary District 5330 competition to be held on April 24, 2010 in Riverside.