Big Bear, Ca, September 6, 2011, 4:00pm – This past Labor Day weekend was a great escape for people across California, Nevada and beyond as they traveled up to Big Bear to get out of the heat for the weekend. The weekend, much like its early summer three-day weekend counterpart Memorial Day, was filled with yard sales. Many people got out on the lake this weekend with Holloway’s Marina experiencing one of their busiest weekends ever, with a line of people waiting to get on the Pirate Ship, the Time Bandit. Cantrell’s Fishing Guide Service was busy all weekend long, taking people out to fish, even on Monday in the rain, as they have a hard top enclosed boat that was perfect for the weather. The Busy Bear Quilt Show had almost 800 people in attendance, showcasing some of Big Bear’s finest quilters and their works of art. The active community was very busy as well, with 36 people at the Sugarloaf Mountain Hike, part of the Seven Summits Series, and local bike shop Bear Valley Bikes was renting bikes all weekend long. Overall it was a great weekend in Big Bear, filled with energy, events, and excitement.