Big Bear Valley, CA; Electrical service is being restored block by block and area by area as Bear Valley Electric Service with the mutual aid of So Cal Edison work side by side. A crew and equipment from So Cal Edison, which was dispatched from Victorville this morning at 6am, arrived 5 hours later delayed by poor road conditions and heavy traffic congestion. After a week of high winds, heavy rain and intense snowfall, which caused numerous power failures, many neighborhoods are still without power. As of Sunday evening, these areas include a small section of lower Moonridge, a portion of Boulder Bay, a section of Knickerbocker Road, part of Brownie Lane, Red Ant Hill near Edgemore Road and other smaller outages. Ken Markling of Bear Valley Electric tells K-BEAR “the list of outages is getting smaller and they will stay on it till we get it done”. Road conditions, congestion and deep snow are hampering efforts to restore power to all customers quickly.
Big Bear Valley, CA; The Big Bear Emergency Shelter is open at Big Bear Middle School in Big Bear Lake and has basic services and refreshments and the shelter is be staffed by volunteers and Red Cross personnel under the guidance of the California Office of Emergency Services. Those in need of shelter from the cold or those without electrical service will be welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis at Big Bear Middle School, located at 41275 Big Bear Boulevard in Big Bear Lake; the Jeffries Road entrance to the west will be open. The shelter is made possible by the cooperation of the Bear Valley Unified School District, the Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District and the City of Big Bear Lake.
Big Bear Valley, CA; Several gas stations are running low or have run out of fuel to sell. According to Jeff Mathieu, Big Bear Lake City Manager, trucks will deliver more fuel on Monday when the roads are in better shape and congestion has subsided. Super market food supplies have not been substantially effected by the poor road conditions.
Big Bear Lake, CA; The Big Bear Zoo requested help to dig out the animal enclosures and avert a disaster for the animals. Zoo keepers have been working around the clock to get to the cages with food and fresh water. The help of strong bodies to shovel, operate a snow blower and push a wheelbarrow was requested on Sunday afternoon to carve a path to all the animal enclosures. Big Bear Zoo; 909 878 4200.