Big Bear News – SBD County – A comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination dashboard created by the County’s Public Health data team launched on February 12th, at sbcovid19.com to provide an at-a-glance look at the status of vaccine distribution and administration in San Bernardino County.
“We are excited about using the technological resources and talent we have in our Public Health data team to create a transparent and informative platform for people to see the state of vaccine administration,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “As we move through and out of this pandemic, this resource will help our residents see how we are progressing on getting vaccines into our communities and into arms as quickly as possible.”
The dashboard displays information about:
• COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to San Bernardino County residents
• COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by San Bernardino County providers
• The number of residents vaccinated with a breakdown of first and second doses
• The percent of the population that has received vaccines in our county
• Demographic data about who has received COVID-19 vaccines by age, race, ethnicity and gender
• A countywide map listing the vaccination numbers in each city that shows the number of residents vaccinated and the rate of those vaccinated in each location.
• A mapped listing of San Bernardino County providers who have received doses of vaccine and how many of those vaccines have been administered to San Bernardino County residents
• COVID-19 vaccine inventory by brand (Pfizer, Moderna)
The dashboard is best viewed on a desktop computer screen. To view the new vaccine data, visit sbcovid19.com and click on “COVID-19 Dashboard.”