Big Bear News, Big Bear Lake, Ca – The Big Bear Lake City Council meeting on Monday discussed several subjects of particular interest for the community including the swearing in of new Councilperson Perri Melnick and a visit from Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh. After the nomination process was completed, Mayor Pro-Tem Rick Herrick was unanimously voted in as Mayor for former Mayor David Caretto and Councilperson Randy Putz was unanimously voted in for the role of Mayor Pro-Tem. The proposed cap on vacation rental licenses was voted down after hours of testimony and deliberation in a 3 to 1 decision with Mayor Herrick recusing himself for a conflict of interest. During the same discussion a vote was taken and passed which strengthened the Municipal and Development Code pertaining to vacation home rental regulations. The meeting was extended past the 10:00pm cutoff in order to finish the City’s business which included the Grocery Outlet appeal decision. After a few questions from Council were answered, in a 3 to 2 vote, the Grocery Outlet appeals were denied allowing the market project to proceed. The Council did approve additional conditions to the project in order to provide a greater degree of traffic safety measures. The Grocery Outlet location will be on Big Bear Boulevard between Sandalwood and Stanfield Cutoff. It was not discussed when the project will break ground.