Big Bear, CA, May 2nd, 2016 – Due to the resignation of Gary Steube, there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Big Bear Airport District. Pursuant to Government Code Section 1780, the Board is notifying the community of the vacancy and soliciting candidates/applicants to fill the vacancy. The person chosen to fill the vacancy shall serve until the first Friday in December, 2016; if the person wishes to continue to serve on the Board, he or she must run for the position in the upcoming General Election to be held on November 8, 2016.
The person selected to fill the vacancy must be a registered voter within the District. He or she should be available to attend Regular Board Meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month, as well as certain subcommittees and Special Meetings held from time-to-time. An interest in the Airport District and public service is encouraged. The position provides a taxable stipend of up to $400 per month, plus certain expense reimbursement.
An interested candidate shall submit a letter of interest confirming his or her eligibility and describing his or her background and experience and why he or she wishes to serve on the Board. The letter and additional background information must be submitted to Dustin Leno, General Manager of the Big Bear Airport District, by delivery to the Airport in a sealed envelope or by mailing to Big Bear Airport, P O Box 755, Big Bear City, California, 92314 by the close of business onMay 12, 2016.
Envelopes should be marked “Big Bear Airport District Board Appointment Application. Please contact Dustin Leno, General Manager, at (909) 585-3219, if you have any additional questions.