Big Bear, Ca, August 1, 2011, 12:00pm – The Air Fair returns to Big Bear this year with “Transportation Then To Now” as the theme of the show. This Saturday, August 6th, from 9am to 4pm, attendees can see vintage warbirds to the fast jets of today, and everything in between. To celebrate different types of transportation, the Bear Valley Cruisers and the Rod Riders are bringing in cars to match planes from different eras. The show will also feature “Just in Time” Skydivers, a spot landing contest, and the Mountain Fifes and Drum Corps. There will be food, fun, and shopping vendors, as well as key non profits that will be at the show including the Seven Stars Foundation. The Air Fair is only in Big Bear every other year, so don’t miss your chance to see P-63 King Cobra, a B-25 Heavenly Body, or a P-38 23 Skidoo. The cost is only $2 to attend, and $1 for children. There will be some parking available at the Big Bear City Airport, with additional parking at Big Bear Snow Play with shuttle service to and from the event. For more information go to www.BigBearCityAirport.com.