Ontario, CA, October 7, 2013 – The local Toastmasters Club, “Bearly Speaking,” has just landed another honor, thanks to club member and Toastmaster Ambassador Marlene Cain. Marlene just won a division-wide Speech Contest that judges a contestant’s ability to evaluate a prepared speech then immediately deliver a 3-minute speech that analyzes the other speaker’s strengths and identifies areas of improvement. The evaluation speech is judged both on technique and on the quality of the recommendations.
Tomorrow, Marlene competes for the top prize in the Evaluation category at the Ontario Airport Hotel — representing local mountain communities and part of the Inland Empire.
As a professional speaker, coach and consultant, Marlene also recently developed and presented for the Career Institute a “Becoming a Professional” workshop for 150 young adults at five different locations in the Inland Empire.
Members of the public wanting to improve their own public speaking skills are invited to attend Bearly Speaking Toastmasters meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. They’re held at 6:30 p.m. at Keller Williams Realty (42149 Big Bear Boulevard at the corner of Fox Farm Road in Big Bear Lake; enter through the glass door off the outside deck and go upstairs to the conference room.) For more information, call Steve Cain, President, at 909-866-2819.