Big Bear Lake, CA, March 14th, 2016 – Tonight’s public hearing is the last steps required of the City Council in order to establish the BBLTBID (Big Bear Lake Tourism Business Improvement District). If written protests are received from the businesses in the proposed district that will pay 50% or more of the proposed assessment, the district may not be formed. Additionally, the Visitor’s Bureau and Lodging Association agreed to a voluntary stipulation to not move forward with formation if 34% of a 100 member control group vote was in opposition. At the time, zero protests have been received from the control group. Therefore, there is no majority protest, allowing the City Council to adopt the Resolution after they hold the final public hearing tonight. Adopting this resolution will result in the formation of the BBLTBID and then levy these assessments on lodging and ski resort businesses.
The Big Bear Lake Tourism Business Improvement District (BBLTBID) is a benefit assessment district proposed to help fund marketing and sales promotion efforts for Big Bear Lake Lodging and Ski Resort businesses. The proposed district includes all Lodging and Ski Resort businesses located within the boundaries of the City of Big Bear Lake. Lodging and Ski Resort business owners decided to pursue formation of the proposed district in order to create a revenue source devoted to marketing Big Bear Lake as a tourist, meeting, and event destination. The proposed district would generate approximately $1,780,000, for a five-year period beginning April 1, 2016.