Big Bear Valley, CA — A Big Bear High School sophomore will have her artwork featured in the national Get to Know Your Wild Neighbours calendar; 15-year-old Lindsay Hafen was one of 12 artists selected in the 2011 Robert Bateman Get to Know Calendar Contest, in a program sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, the National Wildlife Federation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Children & Nature Network. Hafen’s artwork in pastels, of a badger at the Moonridge Zoo, was one of 12 pieces selected out of 4,900 entries, earning her a number of prizes, including a trip to a week-long art and writing camp at the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (in Alberta, Canada and Montana). BBHS junior Rex Seaman received honorable mention for his piece, titled “Love at the End of the Road,” and has been invited, along with Hafen, to attend an awards ceremony in Los Angeles on April 24. The Big Bear Valley also had an impressive four award-winners of the 12 recognized in the Get to Know Contest’s writing category; the four girls are Baldwin Lane Elementary fourth graders Christina Goss, Marina DeMarco, Marissa Wonacott and Kenli Seaman (sister to Rex and daughter of Big Bear Middle School art teacher Julia Seaman, who taught Hafen when she received award ribbons for her artwork showcased at Big Bear’s annual Art on the Lake event).