Big Bear Lake, CA, March 7, 2014 – Big Bear Yoga is presenting a workshop this Saturday in Yoga Nidra, a restful, healing practice that releases long-held tensions, injuries and emotions. What makes this event even more worthwhile is that it benefits a nonprofit organization called The Art of Yoga Project.
The Project helps rehabilitate at-risk teen girls in the juvenile justice system by teaching them art, yoga, and creative writing. Its goal is to end the cycles of violence and victimization the girls are caught in and bring them to lives of empowerment, accountability and well-being. There are affiliate programs being established in communities around the country, along with ambassadors who, like Big Bear Yoga, donate some of their proceeds to the Project.
Long-time local instructor Claudia Eads, MD, RYT will lead Saturday’s workshop from 3-5pm at Big Bear Sports Chiropractic in the Village (40729 Village Dr, Suite 10B, behind the UPS store). The event costs $28 and will include discussion, a short physical practice, the Yoga Nidra practice, and a Q&A. Each participant should bring a mat, blanket, and, if available, an eye pillow. For further information, call (909) 584-5270.