It was a year ago, on the eve of last Memorial Day weekend, that we received about an inch of snow in the Big Bear Valley, but the chilly temperatures didn’t discourage 111 cyclists, who participated in the Bike Ride for Ryan Hall that the Lighthouse Project and the Big Bear Valley Trails Coalition had planned to follow the official ribbon cutting for the new bike trails within Big Bear Lake. A year later, there are now 30 miles of Class 3 bike routes within the Big Bear Valley—and we can expect better biking weather this Memorial Day weekend, as sunny skies and temperatures in the high 60s are expected. The Big Bear Valley Trails Coalition has, also, in the last year, developed bike trails maps, which are available free of charge from a number of locations throughout Big Bear, including the Visitor Center on Bartlett Road, the Big Bear Discovery Center on the North Shore, and the studios of KBHR Radio in the airport terminal building in Big Bear City.