UPDATE: As of this update no power has been shut off yet. The elevated fire weather conditions will start this afternoon and Edison will monitor them through Friday evening. There is a potential for Public Safety Power Shutoffs in the high desert region today and Friday. At this time the Big Bear area will not effected by any power shutoff.
Southern California Edison encourages their customers to sign up to get outage alerts which can be done at sce.com or call 800 655 4555. Those Southern California Edison customers will receive alerts by phone, text or email about any power shutoffs.
San Bernardino County, CA – The California Department of Transportation is alerting the traveling public that Southern California Edison has announced possible power outages for Public Safety Power Shutoff, or PSPS, due to dry, hot and windy weather conditions and the potential for an elevated fire weather threat across the High Desert region.
The PSPS will begin Thursday afternoon, June 20, and continue through Saturday, June 22. The PSPS watch list, or areas affected, are Apple Valley, Victorville, Hesperia, Lucerne Valley and unincorporated San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. Other desert regions in Riverside County may also be affected.
Caltrans is advising motorists that signalization on state routes throughout the High Desert will be affected during the power outages along Interstate 15 and on State Routes 138, 18, 58, 395 and 247. The signals will continue to cycle regularly for approximately three hours after the outage and will then cycle to “red-flash” for another three to four hours. If the outage remains in place for more than six hours the signals will then go to “blackout” mode.