Big Bear, Ca, September 5, 2011, 8:00am – On Saturday, September 3rd, over 50 people gathered at the Big Bear Valley Historical Museum for the dedication of the new Willow House campsite on the museum grounds. The Willow House is a traditional Serrano Indian structure, and the Chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, James Ramos, along with family and friends erected the house last weekend. Ramos and family were in attendance at the dedication, and sang traditional songs of the native people of this valley, and told a brief history of the Mission Indians. Doug Walton, President of the Historical Society thanked Ramos for funding the project and for bringing the supplies, and people to create it. Walton went on to express how he is excited about continuing a relationship with the Mission Indians, and how he hopes the museum can incorporate more of their history into its exhibits. Ramos told the crowd that next summer they will build a traditional grainary and cooking area to go along side the Willow House. To view the new Willow House, you can visit the Museum through the rest of the summer on Wednesdays or on the Weekends. For more information visit www.BigBearHistory.com.