Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – On Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11 am, The American Legion Riders Chapter 584, The American Legion Post 584 and the City of Big Bear Lake will host a special program that honors our Veterans that have served, and that are serving, in the Armed Forces protecting our nation.
The 2021 ceremony will begin at 11 am with the national anthem being sung by the Unaccompanied Minors. This group are local students of Diane Sloan Kubeja. They have been supporting the Veterans Day ceremony for many years and it is a joy to have them perform annually.
City of Big Bear Lake Mayor Rick Herrick will speak first and Flotilla Commander, Abe Lara, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will be the guest speaker. The public is cordially invited to join veterans and families of service personnel, past and present to participate in the ceremony at Veterans Park.
The Big Bear Lake Veterans Park is located lakeside of the intersection Big Bear Boulevard and Knickerbocker Road. All Veterans are invited to participate in the entrance walk-in with the Civil Air Patrol Color Guard; following their respective flag of their own military branch. Commander Jimmy M. Lona, of American Legion Post #584, and President of Chapter 584 of the American Legion Riders, will emcee the Veterans Day Ceremony.
Covid guidelines with social distancing and masks are suggested for those in attendance.