Big Bear, Ca, November 29, 2010, 12:00pm – The San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department (Big Bear Station) is asking for your assistance with a missing person from the area of Balsam Drive/Aspen Drive near Bear Mountain resort. The missing person is Bryson Lukacik, described as a white male adult, 22 years of age, 5’ 10”, 180lbs; According to the family, Bryson was last seen wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a blue Mickey Mouse pullover sweatshirt, blue jeans, and blue shoes. Bryson went missing just after midnight on Saturday, November 27th. He was last seen in the area on foot. Bryson is bi-polar and does not have his medication with him. The family has created fliers that will be put around town.
If you see anyone matching this description please contact the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department at 909-866-0100.