Big Bear Valley, CA, July 23, 2010, 12:00 n – Local members of the combine Rim Youth Prevention Leadership and Breakthrough Task Force coalitions have been instrumental in eliciting change in San Bernardino County. Prompted by information provided by the concerns and suggestions raised by this coalition of concerned parents, Supervisor Neil Derry is calling for the banning of all rave parties at County owned facilities. At Supervisor Derry’s request, County Administrative Officer Greg Devereaux issued a directive that would prohibit all county owned facilities from hosting rave parties. In a press release from Supervisor Derry’s office, he is quoted as stating that “Parents have a reasonable expectation to believe that their children will be safe while attending events held at county owned venues, and it has become crystal clear that there is a reasonable expectation that our youth are at significant risk for exposure to drugs and sexual assault at these events.” A recent rave at the Los Angeles Coliseum that spanned two days claimed the life of a 15-year old girl and resulted in approximately 100 youth being taken to area hospitals for various reasons. Supervisor Derry has brought this matter to the attention of each state senator and assembly member. It is hopeful that similar policies will be made in Counties statewide.