Big Bear News – Big Bear, CA – The Breakthrough Task Force Coalition and the Above the Influence Youth Coalition will host the third annual Game of Skate event for the youth of Big Bear. The event will be held on Thursday, Sept. 16 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Sugarloaf Skate Park in Big Bear City. The event will include free food, music, the skate competition and PRIZES donated from many local restaurants and retailers. The event is open to people of all ages but the competition is for grade-school ages only. Categories for the skateboard competition include elementary school age, beginner, intermediate and advanced. The competition will also feature an additional category for students that want to participate with their scooters and a best trick category.
The skate competition is similar to the basketball game H.O.R.S.E. where one participant does a trick and the next participant has to copy the trick correctly and so on. If they fail the trick, they get a letter and if they get the number of letters that spell out “S.K.A.T.E.”, then they are out. Prizes will go to the top skater in each age category. helmets are required to compete and will be provided unless skaters have their own.
The Breakthrough Task Force Coalition and the Above the Influence Youth Coalition are excited to promote the mission of their coalitions through positive and creative community efforts to reduce underage access and use of drugs and alcohol.