Big Bear Lake, CA — Those in the vicinity of the North Shore and Stanfield Cutoff on Sunday evening, March 21, likely saw a number of emergency vehicles in the 6 o’clock hour. The sirens and activity were in response to a medical call, as a 42-year-old woman from the Garden Grove area had been fishing with her husband along Big Bear Lake and may have had a seizure. Big Bear Sheriff’s Station personnel and then emergency crews responded and performed CPR on Jill Ellen Cary before transporting her to Bear Valley Community Hospital. It was there, at the hospital, that the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office tells KBHR that Cary was pronounced dead at 7:07pm. Preliminary reports indicated that she died due to natural causes, though the coroner will perform an autopsy, the results of which may be unavailable for 12 weeks, to determine the specifics related to last night’s passing of Jill Ellen Cary.