Big Bear Valley, CA — The talents of Big Bear High School students will be showcased in three performances over two nights in coming days. On both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the Big Bear High School Performing Arts Department hosts an All School District Music Festival, which will also include vocalists and instrumentalists from Big Bear Middle School, as well as Baldwin Lane, Big Bear and North Shore Elementaries. The 7pm concerts, offered free to attendees and in the BBHS gym on Maple Lane in Sugarloaf, will include different performances; Tuesday, March 23’s show features choral ensembles, including the Combined Elementary Chorus, the BBMS Chorus, and the high’s school’s Concert Choir, while the March 24 music-fest features Beginning Elementary Strings, the Steven G. Mihaylo Concert Orchestras and Chamber Strings, the Middle School Concert Band, and the BBHS Concert Band and Jazz Band.
Also on Wednesday the 24th, nine Big Bear High School students will compete in the Rotary Club’s annual Four-Way Test Speech Contest, to be held at the school district offices on Moonridge Road at 6pm. The nine students—Austin Burak, Riley Jasperson, Anna Peckham, Josh Borges, Jessica Schwartz, Sander Putz, Nick Taurus, Jeannie Newsome and Steve Rangel—will each give a speech of at least five minutes on the topic of their choice, though they must adhere to the Rotary Four-Way Test. (Those four points are Is it the truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build goodwill and better friendships, and Will it be beneficial to all concerned?) The three top winners in Wednesday’s speech contest earn cash prizes and will be invited to share their presentations at a local Rotary Club meeting; the local winner will be invited to compete at the Rotary District 5330 level for an additional cash prize.