Big Bear News – Crestline, CA – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues repairs on an emergency project at a washout section of State Route 18 (SR-18) near Panorama point between 40th St and SR-138 near Crestline.
Crews continue to make repairs and bring in necessary equipment and materials. Currently, crews work to keep the area as dry as possible take priority as more winter weather is predicted.
To expediate the repairs, the route will remain closed to the public until further notice so crews can utilize the full roadway. Caltrans is evaluating all traffic handling situations and will have more updates on this in the future. Emergency responders will have access for emergency situations.
Residents of Waterman Canyon are being allowed to their residence with valid ID. No access is allowed north of Upper Waterman Canyon. Residents of Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and Blue Jay must utilize a detour route such as SR-138 to I-15 or SR-330 to SR-18 to get up and down the mountain.