The Public Works crew and staff at the City of Big Bear Lake have already established Snow Conditions twice this season, and remind residents of a few key things during winter weather. The City once again offers snow poles, available to Big Bear Lake residents only, for those who want to install them on either side of their driveway, in anticipation of snow plowing. The orange snow poles are available for purchase at the Civic Center, at 39707 Big Bear Boulevard, for $25 per pair plus tax. When Snow Conditions are in effect (as they are now), be sure to park vehicles off the street, shovel snow in driveway to the right side (as you face the road), place garbage cans behind property line and berm, mark fences with stakes painted red at the top, and do not let children build igloos or caves in the snow banks near streets. The City of Big Bear Lake’s 24-hour snow removal hotline, at 752-2830, provides general information on snow removal, berm reduction and current snow conditions.