Big Bear Lake, CA — The Big Bear Sheriff’s Station is still seeking information on the individuals involved in a burglary at Big Bear Middle School, which took place in the early morning hours of Sunday, March 28. The incident was first discovered by a teacher, who found broken glass in the doorway of one of the older buildings on campus, as new structures at BBMS have an alarm system. It is estimated that losses are over $10,000, per the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station; items reported stolen include numerous computers, a digital projector, digital cameras, laptop computers and a desktop computer. Per Specialist Sue VanSickle with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, “A lot of the cameras and computers were owned by the teachers themselves because they either bought them or purchased with grant monies or through some sort of fundraising.” VanSickle adds that campus video surveillance captured four individuals though, at this time, they remain unidentified. Sheriff’s deputies, led by Detective Lonnie Siebert, have questioned many people, including seventh and eighth grade students at BBMS, though there are no suspects at this time. In the interim, some of the stolen property was found by a couple students in the forest just south of the school, near Town Trail; their father called the Sheriff’s Station to report the recovery of items, which were handed over to authorities. The investigation into the BBMS burglary continues and those with any information are asked to call the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station at 866-0100; anonymous tips can also be placed to WeTip at 1-800-78-CRIME.