Recent snowstorms over the Presidents’ Day weekend and into Tuesday have brought our local snowfall totals to well above average for this winter season. According to KBHR’s weatherman Ben Brissey, Big Bear Valley snow accumulation for the 2008/2009 season is now at roughly 100 inches, though could be considerably more in areas such as Fawnskin. This amounts to over eight feet of snow, which probably comes as no surprise to those who have been busting berms all season. Average snowfall totals tend to be about 70 inches per season, and last winter we received about 68 inches. This season’s storms, which brought the 100 or so inches of snow, also came with extreme temperatures; this year’s record, to date, was a brisk 0° on the morning of Friday the 13th of February, though our new low came this morning, when the temperature reached –1.6°.