All schools within the Bear Valley Unified School District will be in session on Monday, February 1, per the school district press release issued Sunday afternoon, which reads: “The schools, which include Big Bear Elementary School, North Shore Elementary School, Baldwin Lane Elementary School, Big Bear Middle School, Big Bear High School and Chautauqua High School, have been closed since Thursday, January 21st due to weather and road conditions. Fallsvale Elementary School, which is located in Forest Falls and is also a Bear Valley school, will reopen on Monday, February 1st as well.
Bear Valley Unified School District wishes to thank all the media sources who provided school closure information to the residents of Bear Valley. This was a significant storm event with many news stories surrounding it and we sincerely appreciate the media taking the time to report our school closures among all the other stories.
The School District also would like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of our Maintenance Team, the City of Big Bear Lake, and the County of San Bernardino, who worked around the clock to clear roads and school sites in order for students to be back at school on February 1st.
We would like to remind parents that, although all buses will be running on their regular routes, there may be some delays due to the slower travel on snowy roads.
Once again, we thank everyone for their understanding and patience as we worked through this past week.”

For more on Bear Valley Unified schools and recent closures, you can read our conversation with BVUSD Superintendent Dr. Nancy Wright, which was posted Friday, January 29.