California Highway Patrol officers will be out in full force during the New Year’s Eve holiday, in addition to conducting statewide DUI checkpoints through Sunday, January 3 as part of the December DUI crackdown campaign: “Report Drunk Drivers. Call 911.” Revelers should also note that, in addition to the life-threatening consequences of drinking and driving, the Automobile Club of Southern California estimates that costs related to a first-time misdemeanor DUI conviction total over $13,000. In an effort to keep drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel, our local Breakthrough Task Force offers suggestions to party hosts, such as provide food and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers, do not serve alcohol to someone who is intoxicated and, if guests are intoxicated, call a taxi or have them stay with you. Within the Big Bear Valley, MARTA transportation services wrap with the 5:30pm fixed bus routes, and the last Dial-a-Ride opportunity heads eastbound from Rite-Aid at 7pm; there is one cab company in Big Bear, available via 909/866-TAXI. Party hosts are also reminded to ensure minors do not have access to alcohol. Virginia Gautier, executive director of the San Bernardino chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers notes, “If you’re going to have a party, make sure it’s supervised; you can’t just leave kids alone and assume they’ll be okay. You have to be very careful because if something happens as the result of you allowing underage drinking to occur, you can be held responsible.” For suggestions on New Year’s Eve activities in the Big Bear Valley, visit the KBHR Venues Page, as well as our Events Calendar (at right). Happy 2010!