Big Bear Lake, CA — Yesterday’s meeting of the Advisory Commission for the Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District—and their first regular meeting of the year—did not include any action items, but did include discussion with regard to the district’s newest park facility, The Ranch at Erwin Lake. According to the Recreation and Park District’s Assistant Regional Manager Lorie Judd, “The Ranch neighbors are concerned about the upcoming summer season and the high traffic issues, loss of privacy, and people trespassing on their property to retrieve balls and, most importantly, road dust affecting their lives.” Neighbors were also concerned about graffiti on a tree near (but not on) district property, though it had already been addressed in the meantime. The district’s General Manager Reese Troublefield and Advisory Commissioners Kathryn Poole, Don Pletcher, Gloria Rose and Bob Ybarra responded to public comment regarding The Ranch and, adds Judd, “There was good communication and all parties remained calm during the discussion. We’re working very hard to make this work.” GM Troublefied promised Erwin Lake neighbors that issues would be mitigated in order to assure a non-disruptive summer season for them. As for the Recreation and Park District’s other big project, Paradise Park with the Big Bear City Community Services District, Proposition 84 grant funding was applied for earlier this year, though the $2.5 million in park development funds will not be awarded until October. In the meantime, parks staff continue to look for funding opportunities for Paradise Park.