San Bernardino, CA, March 13, 2013 – Volunteers for the San Bernardino County Grand Jury are needed. The deadline to apply and be considered for the 2013-2014 Grand Jury has been extended to April 30. Successful applicants will serve for one year beginning July 1. To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of San Bernardino County for at least one year prior to appointment. Service involves an average of 3 to 5 full working days per week. Compensation is $25 per day plus meals and mileage. The regular Grand Jury meeting place is located in San Bernardino. The County Grand Jury investigates all aspects of County, city and special district government, and hears information on certain criminal investigations. You can get more information and an application by calling (909) 387-3820 or visit the San Bernardino County Grand Jury website.
Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2013.