Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – Two areas of the valley will soon be impacted by City of Big Bear Lake Department of Water (BBLDWP) pipeline
replacement projects.
Starting on the small side, 670’ of main line will be replaced on Club View Drive between Sylvan Glen and Fern Ave in Moonridge. This project will start on Tuesday, May 4, and will last just a few weeks with small segment lane closures.

On the west end of town by Boulder Bay the larger, more impactful, project is slated to begin May 10 on Big Bear Boulevard between Cienega and Talbot. The westbound lane will be closed in sections with alternating traffic in the east bound lane. Enhancing fire protection, this major mainline improvement will replace 6,000’ feet of aging pipe with a new, larger pipeline. Funded in part by U.S. Department of agriculture grants and low-interest loans, this work is expected to last several months.