Big Bear News – Big Bear, CA – Fireworks can be beautiful, but they can be unpredictable and deadly. Numerous fires have resulted from the use of personal fireworks, not to mention causing severe injuries to the users. Personal fireworks are illegal throughout Big Bear Valley, including “safe and sane” fireworks like sparklers. In addition, all fireworks that explode, shoot into the air, or move along the ground are termed dangerous and are illegal everywhere in California. Fire officials will be issuing citations with fines up to $1,000. for fireworks violations.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, on a typical 4th of July, fireworks cause more fires in the U.S. than all other causes combined. In addition to fires, fireworks cause deaths, blindness, maiming injuries to children and adults, can re-traumatize war veterans suffering from PTSD, and frighten household pets.
Big Bear Fire Department encourages the community to be safe and sane this holiday, and
if someone is seen using personal fireworks, call (909) 866-7566 or text (909) 731-4887
immediately. To report anonymously, you can call the WeTip hotline at 1-800-47-ARSON, you can visit https://bit.ly/SBCoReportFireworks or use the QR Code in the photo. Be sure to include the date, time, and specific location of the alleged activity. Any photos and videos of incidents will aid in the investigation of alleged violations. Photos and videos may be included in the submission of each report.