Big Bear Lake, CA January 10, 2010 – We are anticipating a large influx of visitors to the Big Bear Valley this weekend given our beautiful snow, and the California Highway Patrol will be deploying extra units to ensure the safety of motorists here for snow play. Our local CHP, based in Running Springs, asks that visitors respect others and enjoy the snow responsibly. Some tips offered by the CHP (which residents may want to share with visiting friends and relatives) include the following: bring tire chains in case the weather changes; do not park in traffic lanes, but in designated turnouts; obey all ‘no parking’ signs; do not walk in traffic lanes; and stay off of all private property. For snow play in areas of the San Bernardino National Forest, an Adventure Pass will be required for parked vehicles. The CHP also notes that illegally parked vehicles may be cited or towed.
For those coming to the mountain and finding that their second home or rental is snowed in, the City of Big Bear Lake provides free overnight parking, so that visitors can drop off their stuff, leave a vehicle in a parking lot, and begin the shoveling out process. Big Bear’s two available lots for this purpose are at the Big Bear Lake Civic Center, at 39707 Big Bear Boulevard at Big Bear Lake’s west end, and at the Alden Road parking lot, just beyond the Village one block east of Knickerbocker Road, to the south of Big Bear Boulevard. The City has provided signage at both locations, to make them visible to visitors. Though these overnight parking lots are free, vehicles will need to be moved by 9am. (No parking of vehicles in these lots, from 9am to 11am and 5pm to 7pm, to allow for snow clearing.)