San Bernardino County, CA, September 14, 2012 – September is National Preparedness Month, an opportunity to take advantage of local preparedness resources. September marks the ninth annual National Preparedness Month (NPM). Fires, floods and earthquakes have common results – the ability to overwhelm local emergency response personnel and limit access to basic resources such as food, water and medical supplies. Rather than compete for limited emergency assistance and supplies during a disaster, individuals, families and neighborhoods should plan to provide for their own basic emergency needs, utilizing stockpiled supplies in addition to their normal household resources until assistance becomes available. National Preparedness Month is sponsored by the Ready Campaign, a nationwide effort designed to increase multi-hazard awareness, encouraging individuals, families, businesses and communities to plan to be self- sufficient in the event of emergencies. Jurisdictions throughout the County are providing the opportunity for their communities to “Get a kit, make a plan, get involved, and be informed”.