Big Bear City, CA, May 8, 2012, 3:00pm – Nancy Jones, a friendly face at the Big Bear City Airport, is retiring as of today. Nancy has been the Office Manager at the airport since June of 1998. For most who fly in and out of the Big Bear Valley, Nancy is the first person they see. In addition to her responsibilities as Office Manager, she has taken on coordinating the Air Fair held every other year at the Big Bear City Airport. According to Pete Gwaltney, Airport Manager, due to Nancy’s diligent efforts, the Air Fairs have become bigger and better every time they are held. One of the many job duties Nancy is responsible for has been providing advisories to pilots as well as handling airport tenant agreements so, for many, Nancy has become the face of the Big Bear City Airport. A reception was held last week in her honor. On her last day as Office Manager, Nancy tells Kbear that she plans on staying in Big Bear and enjoying her retirement but will miss her co-workers and airport family terribly and will miss having daily interactions with everybody. Diane Cartwright, the Airport’s accounting clerk, will be promoted to Nancy’s position of Office Manager.