Big Bear Lake, CA, July 29, 2010, 12:09pm – The Big Bear Sheriff’s Station has informed KBHR as of this morning that the missing person, Jan Heyes of Big Bear Lake, has been located in Malibu and is fine. Local authorities are working with law enforcement in Malibu on the case. Ms. Heyes had left her home in Big Bear Lake on July 18, 2010 at 8:30 p.m. and had not been seen or heard from since. Her husband reported her missing on July 21st. Yesterday, Big Bear Sheriff’s investigators, following standard operating procedures, conducted an area check near her home off of Lowe Street near Boulder Bay with the assistance of approximately 20 volunteers from Search and Rescue, Posse members and Citizens on Patrol. Additionally, yesterday, Sheriff’s Aviation conducted an extensive aerial search of the mountain areas in search of Ms. Heye’s Jeep Grand Cherokee. Again, the missing person, Jan Heyes has been found and more details will be made available soon.