Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – Memorial Day weekend is here, let the festivities begin! Stop by the Grill and Chill in the village. Enjoy the best BBQ in town as this KCBS-Sanctioned BBQ Championship event merges with Big Bear Lake Brew Festival to host 30 pit-master teams, People’s Choice BBQ Teams, and 30+ craft breweries. The Grill and Chill is located in the Bartlett parking lot. Though FREE to attend, be sure to purchase your BBQ & Beverage Bucks Booklets online or at the entrance to sample the best BBQ in town! A capacity for the venue will be set and once it is met, additional attendees will be admitted on a “1-in-1-out” basis.
On Monday May 31st, the American Legion Post 584, Marine Corps League Detachment 1038 and City of Big Bear Lake will participate in a special program commemorating the sacrifices of the United States military personnel who have died in our nation’s service. The 2021 ceremony will begin at 10am with a bagpipe tribute, preformed by Major Nelson Reynolds, USAF retired. Major Nelson has supported the Big Bear Memorial Day Ceremony for many years and is honored to be invited every year. The public is cordially invited to join veterans and families of service personnel and first responders, past and present to participate in the procession and ceremony at Veterans Park. Additional participants in the ceremonies are: Mayor David A. Caretto of the City of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear Mortuary, Marine Corps Color Guard from MCLB Barstow, American Legion Post 584, Women’s Auxiliary American Legion Post 584, Cub Scout Troop 49, Vocal music by “unaccompanied Minors” from Big Bear Highschool and are students of Diane Sloan Kubeja.
Don’t forget about the fireworks! Visit Big Bear is sponsoring a special fireworks show this year on Memorial Day night! Thanks to the City, Rotary Club, and Pine Knot Landing for making it all possible! Fireworks will be launched over the lake and visible throughout the valley. You can tune in to KBHR 93.3FM or 102.5 FM to hear the musical accompaniment for the show. Fireworks will start at 9pm.