I thank everyone for reaching out with well wishes. As of Monday evening, I am recuperating at a lower elevation to help with my recovery. As it is known, coronavirus is a respiratory illness and after an emergency room visit in San Diego, where my daughter is a doctor, I have developed a mild case of pneumonia. As with any virus, the doctor’s instructions are to get bed rest and plenty of fluids. I am recuperating at a friends home and receiving food deliveries from family. My wife Cathy, who is with me, remains free of the illness. I am fulfilling my duties as Mayor with conference and phone calls. It is important to recognize the incredible job the City staff is doing to address the issues of today. As we learn more about coronavirus, it becomes increasingly important for self quarantine and mindful hygiene practices. As more people in the public eye are diagnosed, I hope that the takeaway for all is to recognize the seriousness of this virus. My wish is for all to stay healthy and know that together we will come out of this as a stronger and better prepared community.