MARTA transit services are becoming more convenient, effective today. In addition to adding one more trip off the mountain from Rite-Aid each day, at 11am (in addition to already established 6:30am and 3:10pm trips), 30-minute service will now be available on MARTA fixed routes, on Big Bear Boulevard between the Village of Big Bear Lake and Greenway in Big Bear City. Rather than waiting an hour between midweek pickups on the 25 or so stops on the Boulevard, riders will only have a 30-minute interval between pickups—and the cost to ride on these fixed routes is still only $1. According to MARTA’s General Manager Kathy Hawksford, “We did this with the funding we already had, and we are really excited.” With improved service now in place, the Mountain Area Regional Transit Authority has other plans. As Hawksford tells KBHR, “Our next step will be to improve our stops–as some people have put their own benches out there—so we plan to provide some more shelters, and benches, as well as lighting.”