Big Bear, CA, April 30, 2012 – Sunday evening the wait was over for the three Soroptimist International of Big Bear Valley’s “Man About Town” candidates to discover who would be crowned “Man About Town 2012”. The evening’s presentations at Northwoods Resort by the candidates was greeted by cheers as Tim Breunig, Glenn Butcher and Cliff Fowler and their teams each performed skits that coincided with their campaign theme to highlight the evening’s finale. The candidates all worked very hard over the 67-day fundraising period to bring in the sum of $91,353 that far exceeded the expectations of the Soroptimist women. While the individual candidate’s fundraising amounts are strictly confidential, the candidate who raised the most money would be crowned “Man About Town” and this year, that man is Glenn Butcher. The money raised from this campaign will continue to be used for Soroptimist’s “Stop Teen Violence” program, a quest that began in 2008 for a five-year run. Also, this year, Soroptimist has committed to help fund the Healthy Start Program at our elementary, middle and high school and Safe School Ambassadors Program that is now at the Big Bear Middle School. Kbear congratulates Glenn Butcher, the Valley’s “Man About Town 2012”.