In addition to hosting all-breed western horse shows, Los Vaqueros de Las Montañas, Big Bear’s riding club formed in 1946, this weekend hosts the first in their Los Vaqueros Saddle Series Gymkhanas. Saturday’s 10am gymkhana features pole bending, Texas barrels, speedball and keyhole, and spectators are welcomed. Following the gymkhana (at about 4 or 5pm), Los Vaqueros host a kick-off BBQ featuring tri-tip. The day’s festivities at the Los Vaqueros arena, located at the eastern-most end of Big Bear Boulevard in Big Bear City, continue with ranch sorting in the evening. Ranch sorting is a timed cattle event that tests the horsemanship skills of the rider. Says Los Vaqueros Suzanne Hodges, “Your $15 donation is asked for the BBQ, but with free ranch sorting, what a great deal for a night of fun, an opportunity to meet some great horse people, and a chance to join one of the most historic clubs in Big Bear!” The Los Vaqueros Saddle Series Gymkhanas will also be held on June 13, August 15, September 12 and October 3; the overall high-point winner in the series will win a saddle donated by All Mountain Feed. Western horse shows at the Los Vaqueros area are scheduled for June 14, July 12 and August 16. For more information, or driving directions, you can visit