In recognition of Memorial Day this Monday, May 25, the Big Bear Valley Marine Corps League Detachment 1038 and the American Legion Post 584 will once again host a ceremony commemorating the sacrifices of the United States military personnel in all of our wars. The setting will be Big Bear Lake’s Veterans Park where, last Memorial Day, the Fallen Warriors of Big Bear Valley memorial wall was unveiled, while three Big Bear families were honored as each had lost their son in the name of freedom; those saluted were U.S. Army CW3 Rex C. Kenyon, son of Rex and Beverly Kenyon; U.S. Army Specialist Adam J. Rosema, son of Laura and Rick Stephens; and U. S. Marine Corps 1st Lieutenant Jared M. Landaker, son of Joe and Laura Landaker. This year’s Memorial Day event will begin with a 9:45 procession of the symbolic hearse and casket; the walk begins at the corner of Pine Knot and Village Drive in Big Bear Lake, led by Major Nelson Reynolds, a retired member of the U.S. Air Force, who will be playing the bagpipes. At 10am, the procession is scheduled to arrive at Veterans Park, located on Big Bear Boulevard at Knickerbocker, at which time the ceremony, including local veterans, dignitaries and musicians, will get underway. Monday morning’s keynote speaker at the event will be Colonel Wes Weston, Assistant Chief of Staff at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms.