Big Bear, CA, May 8, 2018 – Last night, the Kiwanis Club of Big Bear Valley honored twelve Big Bear students with the “Hope of America Award”. Presented for the eighteenth year, students representing each school in the Valley, are chosen by their teachers. The Hope of America Award recognizes and encourages students who have demonstrated academic accomplishments, leadership and good character. These students are potential leaders who have sustained the democratic way of life and exhibited outstanding citizenship traits. Criteria for selection of a recipient include capacity for leadership, ethical and moral character, and academic competency.
This year’s honorees included Clayton Caughey from Baldwin Lane Elementary, Catherine Morales from Big Bear Elementary, Bryce Barnes from North Shore Elementary, Cynthia Williams from Fallsvale Elementary, Aubrey Krause and Max Sannes from Big Bear Middle School, Kailey Jonasson from Chatauqua High School and Jenna Fagan, Florence Perez, Marin Stamer and Elena Palacios from Big Bear High School. This year, the honor of District Distinguished Student went to Big Bear High School student, Nigel Holland.
Kiwanis Club President, Priscilla Anderson, recognized and congratulated the families, teachers and Big Bear community for their significant contribution towards these outstanding student’s accomplishments.