Big Bear News – Big Bear, CA – All youth in the Big Bear area are invited to put their creative skills to work to convey the value of water locally. A $300 Grand Prize in local gift cards is up for grabs, along with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for each age category: 5th grade and younger, middle school (6th-8th), and high school (9th-12th). Youth 5th grade and younger can color pages from an EPA WaterSense coloring book available on the bbldwp.com website while all ages have the choice of any creative media including, but not limited to photography, painting, sculpture, woodwork, ceramics, poetry, writing, drawing, earthworks, video, song, dance, textiles, etc.
Submissions will be judged on originality and how well the work fits the theme of “Imagine a Day Without Water,” with emphasis on how water adds value to our community. All submissions, including the entry form, are due before October 21st, 2021 and can be mailed to PO Box 1929 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315, left in the BBLDWP drop box at 41972 Garstin Dr, emailed to Conservation@BBLDWP.com, or texted to (909)353-9307.
Led by the Value of Water Campaign, more than a thousand organizations, elected officials, water utilities, community leaders, educators, and businesses across the country will join the seventh annual Imagine a Day Without Water on October 21, 2021, to raise awareness about the role of water infrastructure in our lives and the importance of investment. The focus of this year’s event is to invite people to learn more about our precious and limited water resource, where it comes from, where it goes, and how access to clean and safe drinking water is essential.
Imagine a Day Without Water was envisioned as an advocacy and education day that asks Americans to think about what it would mean to go without water for a day. There are more than two million Americans living without water service, and with the stress of climate change and the challenges of maintaining water infrastructure that is a century old in some cities, there is growing concern about the stability of water supplies and service. In addition, water in the Big Bear Valley is supplied by pumping from local aquifers, and we rely solely on precipitation to recharge and replenish our resource.
Email conservation@bbldwp.com for contest details and questions.