California, September 10, 2010, 8:00am – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation on Thursday, September 9th that will lock up convicted California sex offenders for life. The law was named Chelsea’s Law after 17 year old Chelsea King who was murdered by convicted child molester John Gardner III, a former resident of Running Springs. King has since been sentenced to life in prison without parole. The law calls for mandatory life sentences for forcible violent sex crimes against children. It would also tighten sex offense parole guidelines and require life-long tracking of certain sex offenders. Chelsea’s Law would mandate stricter sentencing guidelines for violent sex offenders and institute more intensive monitoring of parolees. The new law calls for mandatory life sentences for certain violent attacks and life-long GPS tracking. Schwarzenegger signed the bill in Balboa Park alongside Chelsea’s parents, Brent and Kelly King, and the sponsor, Republican Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher of San Diego. “Because of Chelsea, California’s children will be safer. Because of Chelsea, this never has to happen again,” Schwarzenegger said.