Big Bear Valley, CA, August 28, 2010, 2:00pm – The fire that started Saturday morning ,approximately just after 11am, is now contained with a line around it. Thanks to the quick response from all local fire agencies and the US Forest Service the fire was limited to one and one quarter acre with no structures threatened in the fire and no evacuations needed. Units that were standing by for structure protection were released. Earlier in the afternoon, Hwy 38 was closed in both directions and traffic into Lake Williams was prohibited but all roads have since reopened. The fire was located in the May Van Canyon area between Hatchery Road in Erwin Lake and Lake Williams. For a time, smoke was very visible from the north shore and Erwin Lake/Lake Williams areas. Deanne Johanson of the Big Bear City Fire Department tells Kbear that multiple aircraft and hand crews responded to the fire and now that it is contained, residents and visitors can expect to see helicopter water drops throughout the afternoon as resources continue to work on the fire.